We always have a need for volunteers to do the work of the kingdom through serving inside or outside the church facilities. If you would be interested in serving with the cleaning crew, the mowing and grounds crew or with the building maintenance crew let Pastor Kyle know. These are all serving opportunities that are vital to what we do each week at The Vine. Come and sign up to be a part of one of our teams today!



We currently have a crew of people that are on a schedule to clean the church facility each week. If you would like to be a part of that team talk to Pastor Kyle. Currently there are 3 different teams but more people would make the work lighter for everyone. Sign up today!


If you like to mow or love gardening and working in flower beds, use your gifts to help the facilities be beautiful. If you want to be part of the grounds team talk to Pastor Kyle


Every building periodically needs repairs, even a new one. We are currently in the process of putting together a team of people to take care of building issues as they arise. If you would like to serve on this team talk to Pastor Kyle.